Our remarkable program allows campers to continue to receive the most appropriate and professional education during their summer stay in Camp HASC, with each student placed in classrooms meeting their proscribed Individualized Educational Program.
The school program is located in the heart of Camp HASC and is integrated into the daily schedule.
The doctors, nurses, emergency professionals and support staff of the Medical department handle everything having to do with health, including medications, nursing care, doctor visits, and emergency situations. With a staff of 30 dedicated professionals, our world class Medical department is second to none, and proactively supports the health of our campers and staff.
Miracles take place every summer in the Camp HASC Therapy Department. The HASC Summer Program Therapy Department is a unique therapy center where the campers of Camp HASC receive Occupational, Physical and Speech Therapy according to their particular mandates and needs. The therapists in Camp HASC use the excellent resources at their disposal and many years of therapy experience to help our campers continue their growth towards crucial goals throughout the camping season.
The Behavior department is comprised of Psychologists, Autism behavior specialists and Behavior support staff who provide professional guidance for our staff and support for our campers at every opportunity.
They translate the progressive Camp HASC philosophy into practice, and oversee the implementation of the best practices in the fields related to Intellectual disabilities and Autism into the programming in Camp HASC.
Having fun is serious business at Camp HASC! With all the recreational activities of a typical camp program, at Camp HASC, our facilities and activities are completely adaptive, and are designed to be accessible for everyone, regardless of of their physical or cognitive abilities.
Delicious and nutritious! The food services department is comprised of our Nutritionist, Special Diets team, feeding therapists, Chef, waitress team and Food Services Coordinator who make sure that the widely varied dietary needs of all of our campers are met at each meal and snack. There is no dietary requirement that goes unmet at Camp HASC.
Your support allows Camp HASC to offer a life-changing summer to hundreds of campers.